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About Our Institution

The Vikrant Group of Institutions have embarked on a mission with zeal to imbibe a culture of providing quality education to the learners, thereby leading the learners to the pinnacle of success. To achieve this, abinito we have created a State of Art Infrastructure and indepth resources of through diehard professionals in our team. Our all out endeavour is to groom young future leaders to be complete value driven human beings and competent professionals with a deep passion for our country.

The biggest strength of our Institutes is the renowned faculty members having distinguished academic achievements in different areas of technology, management and other related basic disciplines. The endeavour is to have a progressive outlook and introduce innovative teaching-learning process.


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We aspire to be the path finders and trend setters in education in India. If knowledge itself is power, the application of this power alone can, we do believe, bear fruit. Thus, the cultivation and dissemination of knowledge and skills in core and frontier areas of technology and management are what we home-in on. Moreover, we not only seek to catapult the budding youngsters into cutting edge of successful professional careers, as well as make them flourish into intellectually, emotionally well balanced, morally upright members of tomorrow's society.