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  • Synonyms
      Emblic, Emblic myrobalan, Myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree
  • Biological source
      This consists of dried, as well as fresh fruits of the plant Emblica officinalis Gaerth (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.), belonging to family Euphorbiaceae.
  • Taxonomical Classification
    Kingdom Plantae
    Order Manpighiales
    Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Genus: Phyllanthus
    Species Emblica
  • Distribution
      A moderate-sized deciduous tree found wild or planted throughout the deciduous forests of tropical India and on hill slopes up to 2000 meters.

Plant Description

The tree is small to medium in size, reaching 1-8 meters (3+1⁄2–26 feet) in height. The bark is mottled. The branchlets are finely pubescent (not glabrous), 10-20 cm (4-8 inches) long, usually deciduous. The leaves are simple, subsessile, and closely set along light green branchlets resembling pinnate leaves. The flowers are greenish–yellow. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish–yellow, quite smooth, and hard on appearance, with six vertical stripes or furrows. The fruit is up to 26 millimeters (1 in) in diameter, and, while the fruit of wild plants weigh approximately 5.5 grams (0.2 ounces), cultivated fruits average 28.4 g (1 oz) to 56 g (2 oz).

Active constituent of Amla

Types Chemical Constituents
Hydrolysable Tannins Emblicanin A and B, Punigluconin, Pedunculagin, Chebulinic acid, Chebulagic acid, Corilagin, Geraniin, Ellagotannin.
Alkaloids Phyllantine ,Phyllembein,Phyllantidine
Phenolic compounds Gallic acid , methyl gallate ,Ellagic acid ,Trigallayl glucose
Amino acid Glutamic acid ,Proline ,Aspartic acid ,Alanine , Cystine , Lysine
Carbohydrates Pectin
Vitamins Ascorbic acid
Flavonoids Quereetin , Kaempferol
Organic Acids Citric Acid


  • Amla benefits include antibacterial & astringent properties which help improve the body's immunity system. Indian Gooseberry also increases white blood cells which help flush out the toxins from the body.
  • Amla is used in a lot of shampoos and conditioners owing to its rich antioxidant & iron content. Indian Gooseberry contains high levels of Vitamin C which helps reduce hair fall. It also strengthens the roots & maintains hair color. Antibacterial properties of Amla help fight dandruff.
  • Amla is a great stress reliever which helps induce sleep and relieve headaches
  • Amla is rich in carotene content which is well known for its powerful effect on vision-related conditions. Formulation made of Indian Gooseberry and Honey helps to improve eyesight, near-sightedness, and cataracts.
  • Amla acts as an active blood purifier when consumed with honey.
  • Amla benefits also include absorbing calcium which is an essential element for teeth, bones & hair.
  • Amla reduces the number of free radicals in the body through its antioxidant properties. It helps reduce wrinkles, dark circles and other signs of aging. It also protects the body from radiation.
  • Amla is known to boost metabolism which helps reduce body fat. It is recommended to add Amla in one's daily diet.
  • Amla helps flush out the harmful toxins from the body reducing skin blemishes. The astringent properties of Indian Gooseberry help tighten the pores, giving you clear and healthy skin.

Prepared by : Ms. Tanisha Kumar

Checked by : Ms. Nikhat Khan

Verified by : Dr. Mahavir Chhajed

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