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  • Synonyms
      Guilandina moringa L, Hyperanthera moringa.
  • Biological Source
      The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant, being a significant source of vitamin B, vitamin C, provitamin A as betacarotene, vitamin k, manganese and protein.
  • Taxonomical Classification
    Kingdom Plantae
    Order Brassicales
    Family Moringaceae
    Genus Moringa
    Species M. Oleifera


Moringa oleifera Lam. (M. oleifera), which belongs to the Moringaceae family, is a perennial deciduous tropical tree, and native to the south of the Himalayan Mountains in northern India.

Plant Description

M. oleifera is a fast-growing, deciduous tree that can reach a height of 10–12 m (33–39 ft) and trunk diameter of 46 cm (18 in. The bark has a whitish-gray color and is surrounded by thick cork. Young shoots have purplish or greenish-white, hairy bark. The tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile branches, and the leaves build up a feathery foliage of tripinnate leaves.In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1–2 m (3–6 ft) and allowed to regrow so the pods and leaves remain within arm's reach.

Active constituent of Moringa

Parts Used Chemical Constituents
Leaves Tannis, Flavonoids
Seed Fatty acid
Flowers Polyprenol, triacylglycerol
Fruits Tannis, Alkaloids ,Phosphorus
Roots Potassium


  • M. oleifera has numerous applications in cooking throughout its regional distribution. Edible parts of the plant include the whole leaves (leaflets, stalks and stems); the immature, green fruits or seed pods; the fragrant flowers; and the young seeds and roots.
  • Seeds: The seeds can be removed from mature pods, cut, and cooked for consumption. In Nigeria, the seeds are prized for their bitter flavor.
  • Fruit pods: The young, slender fruits, commonly known as "drumsticks", are often prepared as a culinary vegetable in South Asia. They are prepared by parboiling, commonly cut into shorter lengths, and cooked in a curry or soup until soft.
  • Roots: The roots are shredded and used as a condiment with sharp flavor qualities deriving from significant content of polyphenols.
  • Leaves: Edible raw or cooked (depending on hardiness), the leaves can be used in many ways.
  • Flowers: The flowers are a springtime delicacy in Bengali cuisine. Moringa flowers are typically cooked into chorchori and fritters.

Prepared by : Sheetal Patidar

Checked by : Mr. Vikas Singh Chouhan

Verified by : Dr. Mahavir Chhajed

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